Evangelos Manias  ( www )
General email:
Materials Letters, Editor:
Journals, Books, etc:
Internat J Polym Sci, Editor:
Group "Leader"
tel: ++1-814-863-2980
fax: ++1-814-865-2917

Group Alumni

Dr. Bo Li
(in our group: Ph.D. 2012-2016; postdoc 2018,2019)
Ph.D.: Structured multi-Filler nanoComposites
with novel Dielectric Properties
Now at:
SPARTECH, Maryland Heights, MO
Senior Technical Lead
Dr. Maryam Sarakarat
(in our group: postdoc 2016-2018)
multi-Filler nanoComposites
with novel Dielectric Properties
Last seen at:
Penn State University, UP, PA
Postdoc, MRI
Prof. Felipe Salcedo-Galan
(in our group: Ph.D. 2006-2010)
Ph.D.: Polyolefin-blend/inorganic nanocomposites:
Morphology, rheological and thermomechanical properties
Now at:
Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
Prof. Kiattikhun (Ngoh) Manokruang
(in our group: Ph.D. 2006-2010)
Ph.D.: Design, syntheses, and properties of tunable,
dual-stimuli (temperature and pH) responsive copolymers
Now at:
Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Dr. Charles G. Hogshead [deceased]
(in our group: Ph.D. 2006-2010; postdoc 2010-2011)
Ph.D.: Temperature Responsive Aqueous Polymers
and their Combinatorial Surface-Tethered Layers
Last seen at:
3M Core R&D, Minnesota, MN
Senior Devel. Engineer, Industrial Adhesives/Tapes
Prof. Ponusa Songtipya
(co-advised w/ Prof. M.M. Jimenez-Gasco)
(in our group: Ph.D. 2005-2010)
Ph.D.: PLS Nanocomposites: Antimicrobial Activity,
Thermomechanical properties, Morphology, and Dispersion
Now at:
Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Professor, Materialis Product Techn, Faculty of Agro-Industry
Dr. Daniel Lentz
(co-advised w/ Prof. R. Hedden)
(in our group: Ph.D. 2006-2010)
Ph.D.: Nanostructured Elastomers: From Smectic
LC crystals to Noble-metal Nanocomposites
Now at:
3M, Minnesota, MN
Research Scientist, (nano)Lithography grp
Prof. Lingbin Lu
(in our group: postdoc 2008-2010)
Stimulti Responsive water-soluble
polymers with tunable T-response
Now at:
Hainan University, Haiku City, China
Professor, Mater & Chem Eng
Prof. Glenna M Malcolm
(in our group: postdoc 2008-2010)
Antimicrobial and Antifungal Properties of
Organoclay Nanocomposites
Now at:
Penn State University, PA
, Faculty, Assoc Teaching Prof
Dr. Vivek Tomer
(co-advised w/ Prof. C.A. Randall)
(in our group: Ph.D. 2006-2010)
Polymer nanocomposites for electrical energy storage.
Effect of structuring, interfaces and filler types
Last seen at:
Dow Chemical R&D, PA
R&D Engineer
Prof. Kostas Andrikopoulos
(in our group: postdoc 2007,09,10)
IR and Raman Spectroscopy and Fundamentals of
Polymers and Nanocomposites
Now at:
Univ. of Patras, Greece
Associate Professor, Physics
Dr. Georgios Polizos
(in our group: postdoc 2004-2008)
Dielectric Spectroscopic and Fundamentals of
Polymers and Nanocomposites
Now at:
Oak Ridge National Lab, TN
Senior Research Scientist
Dr. Jinguo Zhang
(in our group: postdoc 2006-2008)
Polyolefin/Clay Nanocomposites
Last seen at:
NPO Scientific Inc, TX
Research Scientist, Chemist
Dr. Romesh Patel
(in our group: M.Sc. 2006-2008)
M.Sc.: Fundamental Studies of the Glass/Polycarbonate
Interface for Composite Materials Application
Last seen at:
Nike Sports R&D, CA
Senior Materials Researcher
Prof. Theresa M.D. Foley
(in our group: Ph.D. 2003-2008)
Ph.D.: Design and Realization of Regioregular
Stimuli-Responsive Copolymers
Last seen at:
U of Notre Dame, IN
Prof. & Assit. Director of Grad studies
Dr. Alexei Kisselev
(in our group: Ph.D. 2002-2007)
Ph.D.: Theoretical and computer simulation insights
into stimuli-responsive polymer systems
Now at:
Fannie Mae Fed.Nat.Mort.Assoc, DC
Senior Analyst, Credit Risk & Monitoring
Dr. Matthew J. Heidecker
(in our group: Ph.D. 2002-2007)
Ph.D.: High-performance polymer/layered
silicate nanocomposites
Now at:
Emerson Climate Technologies, Sidney, OH
Lead Engineer, Polymers R&D
Dr. Subhendu Chowdhury
(in our group: postdoc 2005-2006)
Polyolefin/Clay Nanocomposites
Last seen at:
Department of Atomic Energy, India
Sr. Scientist, Bhabha Atomic Res Ctr, Mumbai
Lt Col Sung Woo Wee
(in our group: M.Sc. 2004-2006)
M.Sc.:PE-based/Inorganic Nanocomposites:
Crystallization Behavior and AFM
Now at:
S. Korean Army
Officer, Lt Col, Materiel Command
Dr. Argyrios Karatrantos
(in our group: M.Sc. 2004-2006)
M.Sc.: Classical Computer Simulations of
Aqueous Poly(ethylene-oxide) Solutions
Last seen at:
U of Durham, UK
Research Associate
Prof. Zijie Lu
(co-advised w/ Prof. D. Macdonald)
(in our group: Ph.D. 2000-2005)
Ph.D.: State of water in perfluorosulfonic acid
[Nafion-type] membranes for fuell cells
Last seen at:
Ford Motor Co, R&D. Li+ batteries Division
Dept.Mechanical Eng, Rochester Inst Technol
Research Assistant Professor (2007-2010)
Hungoo Cho
(co-advised w/ Prof. D. Macdonald)
(in our group: Ph.D. Candidate 2001-2006)
Polymer nanocomposites for fuel cells.
Effect of structure and filler
Last seen at:
Samsung R&D, S. Korea
R&D Engineer
Dr. Zhiming Wang
(in our group: Ph.D. 2001-2005)
Ph.D.: Synthesis of Functional PP and PVDF
and Application in Nanocomposites
Last seen at:
Chemistry, Northwestern U
Post-Doctoral Associate
Prof. Vikram K. Kuppa
(in our group: Ph.D. 1999-2003)
Ph.D.: Poly(ethylene oxide)/Layered-Inorganic
Nanocomposites: A Molecular Modeling Perspective
Now at:
Dept of Chemical and Materials Eng
University of Cincinnati, OH

Assistant Professor
Dr. Hiroyoshi Nakajima
(in our group: Visiting Scientist 2002-2004)
Polyolefin/Silicate Nanocomposites, and
Polymer Crystallinity next to Inorganic Surfaces
Now at:
Sumitomo Chemical, Japan
Senior R&D Scientist
Dr. Jin Young Huh
(in our group: postdoc 2001-2004)
Epoxy/Silicate Nanocomposites (2001-3)
LDPE and LLDPE/clay Hybrids (2003-4)
Now at:
Samsung Cheil Industries, Korea
Principal Engineer, Advanced Technology Group
Dr. Ken Strawhecker
(in our group: Ph.D. 1998-2002)
Ph.D.: AFM of Semicrystalline Polymers
near Surfaces and in Nanocomposites
Now at:
Army Research Lab, MD
Senior Research Scientist
Dr. Mindaugas Rackaitis
(in our group: postdoc 2001-2003)
New Approaches for AFM of Polymers, and
Temperature-Responsive Polymers
Now at:
Bridgestone/Firestone Central R&D
Head, Microscopy Facility
Dr. Yang Jiang
(in our group: postdoc 2002-2003)
Melt-Processable PET/clay Nanocomposites
for Barrier Applications
Last seen at:
ConStar International Inc.
Permeation Scientist
Dr. Youngkyu Chang
(in our group: postdoc 2002-2003)
Synthesis of Polymers for high-Temperature
Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells
Last seen at:
Samsung, Korea
Senior Researcher, Central R&D
Zhi-Ming Wang
(in our group: M.Sc. 2001-2003)
M.Sc.: Synthesis of functionalized i-PP & s-PS,
and application in nanocomposites
Last seen at:
MatSE, Northwestern U
Postdoctoral Fellow
Sirilak Menakanit
(in our group: M.Sc. 2000-2002)
M.Sc.: Synthesis and Functionalization of
inorganic nanofillers for polymer matrices
Now at:
Ceramic Industry Development Center
Lampang, Thailand
Research Ass.Prof.
Prof. Lixin Wu
(in our group: postdoc 1999-2000)
PP/fluoroorganic-clay Nanocomposites
Now at:
Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, China
Jie Chen (M.Sc. MBA)
(in our group: M.Sc. 1998-2000)
M.Sc.:AFM of MEMS & Polymer Composites
Last seen at:
Kennametal Industries
Inform. Manag. Analyst

UnderGraduate Students

Tomoaki Takeyama
(class 2012)
Senior Project:Finite Elements modeling of the mechanical and dielectric response of nanocomposites
Josh Yeh
(class 2012)
Senior Project (Honors): Contact Activation of Blood Factor XII by Biomaterial Surfaces
Mitchell Maier
(NMT, class 2011)
REU Research Project: PP-copolymer/organo-clay nanocomposites with designed thermomechanical performance
Matthew Menyo
(class 2009)
Senior Project (Honors):Filler orientation dependence on the thermo-mechanical properties of polymer/ceramic nanocomposites
Meredith Muskovich
(class 2010)
URF Research:(Undergraduate Research Fellow) Development of Method for Puncture Energy of Thin Films and Application to Food Packaging Films
Andrea Fortunato
(class 2008)
Senior Project (2007-8): pH-Responsive Copolymers
WISER Research (2005): Smart Polymers for Aerospace Applications
REU Research (2005): Fundamentals of Smart Polymers
Erica Redline
(class 2006)
Senior Project: Formation and Crystallization Studies of high performance PC/PET blends and their nanocomposites
Nyra Khetarpal
(class 2007)
WISER Project: Antifungal character of organically-modified clays and their polymer-based nanocomposites
Mark Haracznak
(class 2004)
Senior Project: Gas Counter Pressure for Polymer Injection Molding (incl. COOP with Bayer-Plastics)
Seth T. Stewart
(class 2004)
Senior Project: Epoxy impregnation of 3D interconnected ceramic networks
Danny Frazier
(class 2004)
Senior Project: Polymer reinforced percolating porous-ceramic nanocomposites
Kevin L. Urman
(class 2002)
Senior Project: Barrier/Mechanical Property Optimization for Biomedical Polymer Materials (SROP)
Mike Irwin
(class 2002)
Senior Project: Fluorinated Olefins: Model Systems to Tailor Surface Adhesion through Changes in Chemistry
Alex McCambridge
(class 2002)
Senior Project: Java modules for educational www sites. Towards an e-verion of PLMSE406
Matthew G. Cunningham
(class 2002)
Senior Project: Effect of interfacial adhesion on the mechanical properties of epoxy/inorganic nanocomposites
Patrick M. Horan
(class 2002)
Senior Project: Permeability of biomedical polymers and their composites
Qaadir Siddeeq
(Purdue U, 2003)
Minority Exchange Research: Development of polymer composites with inorganic fillers for biomedical applications (SROP)
David Robbins
(class 2003)
Summer Research Project, REU: Computer visualization of molecules using Java

Contact Information

4xx Steidle Bldg
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802
428 Steidle Bldg
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802
tel: (814) 863-2980

© Evangelos Manias