Introduction to the Materials Science of Polymers
Penn State University
![]() PC Painter and MM Coleman Essentials of Polymer Science (DEStech Publications) |
Chapter 4
Concepts that you must know:- What is "Flory's Assumption"?
- Definitions: reaction rate, rate constant, and concentrations of reactants. How do they relate with each-other ?
- Step-Growth kinetics: extend of reaction (p), concentration of molecules vs. concentration of functional groups, time-dependence of reaction (eq. 4.16, notice the typo!). Go through Exercise 1 below.
- Free Radical kinetics: definitions of four stages/mechanisms (initiation, propagation, termination, and chain transfer), conversion, steady-state assumption. Go through Exercise 2 below.
- Free Radical kinetics: what is kinetic chain length, calculate the kinetic chain length (eq. 4.35, 4.36), understand how it relates to the instantaneous and the average molecular weight of the produced polymer
- Effect of Chain Transfer phenomena on the molecular weight (eq. 4.42(typo), 4.43)
- * Go through the calculation of step-growth kinetics (pg. 93-96), make sure that you understand eq.4-20 [incl. c=co(1-p)]
- * Go through the calculation of free radical kinetics (pg. 96-106), make sure that you understand steady state assumption and kinetic chain length